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City Girl Coffee Co.

City Girl 12 oz. Dark Roast Organic Sumatra Whole Bean Coffee

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SKU: 566693
UPC: 725776801025
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Dark Roast

Earthy and woodsy with a slightly herbal finish.

In Sumatra, Kokowagayo is a women-owned and women-managed coffee cooperative on the Aceh province. Kokowagayo has 567 farmer members from seven villages in the Bener Meriah districts.

Kokowagayo is an abbreviation for Koperasi Kopi Wanita Gayo. The group has 18 women in leadership roles — a chairwoman and business manager, a secretary and collector, a treasurer, a chair supervisor, two member supervisors, four collectors and eight delegates.

Grower: Kokowagayo Cooperative, Café Femenino
Region: Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia
Altitude: 1,200–1,500 meters (3,940–5,250 ft.)
Variety: Bourbon, Catimor and Tim Tim

Process: Wet hulled and dried in the sun
Harvest: June–December
Soil: Volcanic loam

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