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Inspired Organics®

Inspired Organic® 14.5 oz. Organic Brown & Wild Rice

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SKU: 291009
UPC: 863669744292
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Delicious nutty flavor!

Cooking instructions: Serves 4

Optional: Rinse rice 1-2 times to remove extra starch, then drain.

Stove-Top: (Preferred Method)

Bring 2 cups of water to a boil in a saucepan that has a tight-fitting lid. Add 1 cup of rice, stir and cover. Cook over very low heat for 35 min. without removing lid or until water is absorbed. Remove from heat and allow to stand, covered for 3-5 min. Fluff lightly and serve.


Add 3 cups of water and 1 cup of rice to a microwave-safe dish. Cover and cook 45 min. on medium, stirring once mid-way through cooking. Remove from microwave and allow to stand, covered for 3-5 min. Fluff lightly and server.
Note: Due to variations in ovens, use as guidelines only.



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