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Kitch'n Snacks

Kitch'n Snacks 10 oz. Sanded Lemon Drops Tub

2 review(s)
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SKU: 053222
UPC: 718531006858
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These hard candies are full of fresh lemon taste that soothes the throat and naturally relieves dryness. Finished with a sugar sanded coating, these citrus drops have a sweet taste that makes them a refreshing treat at any time of day.


sugar corn syrup, Citric acid, natural lemon flavor, color added: yellow 5.
2 review(s)
  • Claeys 16 oz Sanded Lemon Drops 5

    Posted by Carol Compton on Nov 4th 2023

    I like them very much. They are just like the ones my grandma used to have all the time.

  • Claeys Lemon Drops 5

    Posted by Patricia Cornell on Apr 29th 2023

    Wonderful lemon flavor. Others claim to sell Claeys but theirs have a heavy oil flavor. KITCHN.SHOP has Wonderful crisp flavor. Only store to buy from.

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